My son is a big fan of all things Ninja – Ninja Turtles, Ninja Hattori, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Lego Ninjago etc. So my little Ninja wanted nothing but a Ninja themed birthday this year and it was quite a challenge! But it was also fun and I got to learn so much about Ninjas too :). Here are some Ninja birthday party ideas should you ever want to host one – from our ‘Ninja Training Camp’.
Ninja Training Camp
The main idea of the party was to have a Ninja Training Camp. So the games were actually fun ‘Ninja Training’ activities and the party favors were given one each, after the completion of each activity.
Ninja Birthday Invitation Idea
We made a really fun invitation card. The front of the card was an invitation to come and get Ninja training at my son’s Ninja themed birthday party. But instead of the real name of the guest, we wrote their ‘Ninja Names’. The Ninja Names could also be found out using the easy chart on the back of the invitation. So my son became Ninja Arikarinkukushe!
The invitation cards were thus, turned into a fun activity themselves and the guests had fun translating all their family and friends’ names into Ninja names later.
Here they are for you. So what’s your Ninja name?
Ninja Themed Decor
The decorations were kept simple and moved to one side of the room because we needed plenty of space for the games.
The decor was entirely in Black and Red with white touches. I couldn’t find any good Ninja decorations in India so I ordered this scene setter from delivers many products to India and I received this within 12 days. Just keep in mind that the price almost doubles up after adding shipping and custom duties.
The balloons I got from Amazon India:
Along with the 5-piece scene setter, I set up a table and displayed the return gifts on it. All the favors were in Ninja theme and instead of hiding them up somewhere, it made sense to use them to decorate until the kids took them. So our gifts doubled up as decor.
I found these lunch bags on AliExpress. The bags, along with the goodies inside, were our return gifts.
And these are some of the things that went inside the Ninja bags – Ninja Masks, Ninja Chopsticks and mini Ninjago lego kits. Like I said earlier, we did not give the return gifts at the end of the party. Each gift was given after successful completion of each training activity. So the guests had to ‘earn’ the party favors 🙂
There was one more thing I could have added to the decor but it simply slipped my mind. Our Japanese pagoda that Untumble made for us for my daughter’s Around the World party decor would have blended very well with the Japanese theme. But I completely forgot I had it stashed!
Ninja Costume
I found my son’s Ninja costume from Hopscotch, but it is sold out now. He looked like a perfect little Ninja in it.
He actually wanted this one:
but it was taking a little longer to deliver and I was a little late in ordering it. So I went for what was available quickly.
We dressed up Lil sis in a Japanese kimono that you might remember from our other Japan adventures. It is the same Kimono but reversed to make it Black with a red border.
She even tried her best to look fierce!
Ninja Birthday Cake and Cupcake
Instead of the huge cakes that I usually do, I decided to do a smaller cake whose design I liked much better for the Ninja theme. And we did individual cupcakes.
Looks spectacular, doesn’t it? Our baker supplied us with this tiered cake stand to display the cake and cupcakes exactly how I wanted to.
The main cake was a Ninja head with the detailed mask wrapped around the face. My son went bonkers upon seeing his Ninja birthday cake!
And the guests were very happy to get an entire Ninja face cupcake instead of a piece of the decorate cake.
When it was time for the cake cutting, we just lifted the main cake and placed it on the smaller cake table.

No, he did not cut the cake like this – as much as he wanted to! He is only posing lol!
Ninja Party Games and Activities
Like I mentioned earlier, the party plan was to host a ‘Ninja Training Camp’. But the guests were mostly very young so the activities were fun and simple enough for everyone to do.
Ninja Tattoos
We welcomed guests into the training arena with Ninja tattoos. Nobody was allowed to enter without a tattoo and the guests were happy to comply!
Once again, I couldn’t find them in India, so I ordered them from
Ninja Training Begins
Once the guests were in with their tattoos, we began the training.
Ninja Stars Game
The first thing that the little Ninjas-in-training were supposed to master was the throwing of Ninja stars. They were given 5 Ninja stars and had to aim them at the paper glass tower and demolish it.
The Ninja stars were a part of the entire Ninja Turtles weapon set that my son received as his birthday gift from us 🙂
Upon successful completion of this task, the Ninjas received their first Ninja gear – Ninja masks!
Lego Construction
There cannot be a Ninja party without Lego Ninjago being featured, can it? My son loves Ninjago and we brought several individual kits for the party.
The Ninja trainees were to construct the Legos with their Ninja masks on. If they were able to make it, they got to keep it! Older kids helped the younger ones and everyone made their Lego Ninjas.
Eating with Chopsticks!
The third and final activity led the kids towards the food! To gain their Ninja certificates, the Ninjas needed to complete one more task – eat their noodles with chopsticks!
I got Ninja themed training chopsticks for the younger kids who would find it difficult to eat with real chopsticks. The older kids got real bamboo chopsticks to eat with. Each guest could take home their special chopsticks.
The Ninja chopsticks were also ordered from Amazon
The bamboo chopsticks, I got from Amazon India
Ninja Party Food Menu
Yes, I know that a Ninja party is supposed to have a Japanese menu! But keeping in mind our guests tastes, we decided to go with the closest option.
We had to have noodles, of course. So we went for our Indianized Chinese food – Hot and Sour Soup, Hakka Noodles, Fried Rice, Vegetable Manchurian and Chili Paneer.
I think Ching’s should sponsor our next party, lol!!!!
Ninja Party Favors
Like I said earlier, we did not give the return gifts at the end of the party. Each gift was given after successful completion of each training activity. Only the bags were given at the end to put all their belongings inside.
Each guest received:
- Ninja Mask
- Lego Ninjago Set
- Ninja Chopsticks
- Ninja Lunch Bag
- Ninja Training Certification (Thank you card)
The Thank You cards were designed like a certificate of training completion and had the ‘Ninja Names’ of the guests.
Fun with Masks and Weapons
After the cake and the food was gone and the party favors handed out, the guests still did not want to leave.
There was lots of free play time with the weapons and the masks.
And the grown ups joined in the fun by posing with masks and weapons too!
Fun, fun, fun indeed! The Nunchaku was a favorite with everyone from kids to grown ups trying to master the moves! My son is still called Little Ninja in my family and the memories are sure going to last forever. I hope you found some cool Ninja Birthday party ideas for your own little Ninja!
Wow, Sameer bahut cute dikh raha hai, Sanika bhi kitne smartly pose ki hain
Theme bahut hi acchi hai aur aapki mehnat dikhti hai
Red n black balloons Itwari me mil jaata hai , maine liya tha
Awesome …. sameer is very lucky to have such a creative mom like u. All ideas be it the cake or the games or tge decor or thanks giving certificating…
You are just great at planning parties. Learning so much from you. Thank you Lata!! What innovative ideas you have. Amazing! Thank god I found your blog.
You have really outdone yourself this time sweetie, hands on the coolest most creative birthday party ever, little Ninja Sameer is looking so smart and simi is the cutest, just loved how well you have put such a different and difficult theme. P.s. I loved those Ninja cupcakes brilliant idea
wow aweosme ideas decoration superb sameer lovely and cute simi great innovative all over
I really like the idea of writing name in other language. Even ppl today during lockdown are playing this game.