Store in Your Home Only What You Want Your Kids to Eat When I read this, I was sure I had found the solution to every single problem in life. I banished sweets and chocolates from my home. Well I did not banish them. I hid them - in my own closet - to pass them on to someone else. Ok, who am I … [Read more...]
10 Good Parenting Skills to Work Upon
Motherhood, or let's say, Parenthood, can be chaotic! Juggling everything else along with our children, can be a daunting task. And at the end of the day, we are often left with mixed feelings about how we did as a parent. Amidst all the parenting chaos, here is the voice of reason. I am writing … [Read more...]
Teen Tuesday: Of Sia and Segways – that are not for Mommies!
Long gone are the days when I was eyeing the Segway rides in Sentosa Island in Singapore - wondering whether or not I should jump aboard. I made a big mistake skipping the experience back then! Segway Setback! Segways are in India - and how! A few years ago, they were seen in luxury expos. … [Read more...]
How Motherhood Changed Me Thrice Over!
"Love in Your Heart Was Not Meant There to Stay, Love is Not Love Until You Give it Away'!" Moms will know what I am talking about. You do not know how much love you have inside of you, until those special people arrive in your life. And when they claim more than their share of love that you are … [Read more...]
Weaning My Toddler – I am finally there!
My youngest has taken the longest time to wean! At 2 years and 6 months, she has weaned off. I tried a lot of gentle and not so gentle weaning tips. Some of them might be useful to you so I thought I will share them here today :) Good Breastfeeding Habits From the Start can help Avoid my … [Read more...]
Teen Tuesday: Of Dab and Dandruff!
From toddler to teen and everything in between - that is how my current #momlife situation is! Give me potty training anytime! Teens and their hormones are a totally different area of expertise - one which I am still learning to figure out. Starting #TeenTuesday on the blog to share more about being … [Read more...]
15 Minutes A Day for Math Improvement! Smartick Review
I will begin with sheer honesty - Math isn't one of my strongest skills! Perhaps that is why I take extra efforts to instill math skills in my kids. While I am able to guide my 6 year old effectively, teaching my 12 year old is a whole different issue. No surprise then that I was super happy when I … [Read more...]
Celebrating Grandparents Day with Homemade Oreo Balls and Cards
My mom called today to ask if I could bring the kids to visit her, it being Sunday and all. The thing is, my visits to her have dwindled after moving to a new house. She is missing the kids terribly. What she doesn't know is that tomorrow is Grandparents Day! I told her it might not be possible, but … [Read more...]
50 Creative Journal Writing Prompts for Kids Aged 4 to 8
Writing prompts for kids not only encourage kids to write but also get their creative juices flowing. They are very helpful in igniting children's inherent creativity by forcing them to think about things outside of their comfort zone. Kids' imaginative minds begin to consider various possibilities … [Read more...]
Personalized Gifts for Kids and Grown Ups – The Pipal Review
Are you planning to gift your kids a personalized bag? Look no further than my favorite website - The Pipal. I have ordered all kinds of personalized gifts from them over the last 6 years or so. Bags, pillows, bedding, towels, mugs - they have got you covered. Check out some of my favorite goodies … [Read more...]