Everyone has to face the prospect of getting older at some point in their lives. Some may have a positive perspective about the process while others dread the days when their bodies start to change for the worse. Perhaps you are approaching that time yourself, or you have a loved one that is now in that life stage.
Getting older often results in a change in one’s living situation. Many at this point in their lives have lived in the same home for a while, but that house no longer serves their needs or it may even be dangerous for them to continue living in. With the changes happening to their body, they need greater access to medical care services.
This is when many families discuss the idea of the elderly individual moving into a nursing home. Nursing homes are facilities designed to meet the needs of older residents that require more medical attention. While there are pros and cons to living in a nursing home, one of the main benefits is having their own space. Making the nursing home room more comfortable for the individual might take a little bit of work. Here are a few tips to enhance the nursing home room that either you or your loved one are staying in.

Photo by SHVETS
Photos are perhaps the most common type of decoration in any type of home. People love to put up snapshots of loved ones and memories around the property to make it feel more like a private space that reflects the family’s history. A nursing home room could use that effect even more to create a more comfortable space for the resident. When you are spending time in the room, whether it is a semi-private shared room or an entire suite, putting up photos of family, friends, and fond memories can provide a significant boost to your mental health condition. Plus, photos can turn any space into a more welcoming and aesthetically-pleasing area. Decorating your nursing home room can become easier when you use plenty of personal photos.
Activities You Love
Another thing to bring with you to the nursing home is activities that you love. If you are an avid reader, then stock up on some of your favorite books. If you are into sewing, then the right sewing machine cabinet can contain all the supplies you need to continue the hobby in your new living situation. If board games are your thing, then keep plenty of options on hand so that when friends or family come to visit, you have an activity that you can all participate in together. No matter what your hobbies are, make sure that you make room for them in your new living space so that life in the nursing home room can be a little more comfortable for you.
Fill it with Guests
Living in a nursing home can sometimes be lonely. Even though you are often in the presence of staff or other residents, that doesn’t mean that you are getting enough out of those connections to satisfy the human need for close relationships. For that reason, be willing to invite guests to visit you in the nursing home whenever you can. Sure, your loved ones and friends may be busy and unable to visit you as much as you like, but the door should always remain open. Having the people over that you care about is important for your social and emotional health. It can make the whole process a little easier on yourself if you get to see your family members on a consistent basis.
Look Out For Yourself
Unfortunately, there is a widespread problem among nursing homes across the country. Nursing home abuse and neglect occur in many facilities around the nation, particularly because of the vulnerable state of residents that are older and less able to advocate for themselves. If you feel that you or a loved one may be experiencing abuse or neglect at the nursing home, then you must be ready to take steps to rectify the situation and hold the guilty parties accountable. It may become necessary for you to hire a nursing home abuse lawyer to guide you through the legal claims process. This is all in the interest of making the nursing home a safer place for you or your loved one so that it can be a more comfortable living experience.
It Never Hurts to Ask
Since nursing home rooms are not always completely private, nor are they owned by the resident, there may be limitations as to what can be included in your room. Maybe there are only certain types of furniture that can be brought in to keep the room from becoming too cluttered. Don’t be afraid to ask about bringing your stuff to this new living situation. Even if you think that an idea may be rejected, it does not hurt to at least ask. Your goal is to make the room as comfortable as possible for you so that it feels like a home rather than a facility.
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