Grandparents are a treasure trove of knowledge. And not just knowledge about the world but everything about the family too! A great way for children to bond with grandparents and borrow some of their wisdom is a fun interview. We recently did an ‘Interview with Grandma’ and it was a super success! Based on our interview idea, here are some fun questions for grandparents that your children can ask to learn more about them.

10 Fun Questions For Grandparents
The Grandma/Grandpa Interview
What was it like when you were a kid, Grandma? Kids like hearing about the differences between their world and their grandparents’ world of yesteryears. Equip children with a pen and a notebook or even a recording app on your phone and help them write some questions to “interview” their grandparents. Here’s a sampling of some fun questions for grandparents that will spark interesting recollections.
1. What was your favorite toy when you were a child?
This will open up a discussion about what kind of toys they used to have back then!
2. What was your school like?
The school like back then was so different and there were hardly any co-ed schools in India. It will be an eye-opener for the kids.
3. Did you get good grades? What was your favorite subject?
Grandparents will love to reminisce about their own favorite and not-so-favorite subjects in school.
4. Who was your favorite teacher and why?
Nobody forgets their teachers! The seniors of the family will be happy recollecting their own teachers as much as we do.
5. Did you have a favorite book?
Whether someone was a voracious reader or not, books were a major form of recreation back then. It will be fun to know if Grandma or Grandpa read any books, comics, magazines or periodicals.
6. What kinds of chores did you have to do when you were my age?
Ah! The dreaded question! Plenty to come out of this one. But it will do kids good to know how their grandparents fared at household duties.
7. What was my mom (or dad) like during childhood?
Be prepared for some not-so-flattering revelations lol! We are always preaching our kids about something or the other. Now let them see us in a different way from those whose job it was to preach us.
8. What was your favorite game?
Those were the days when people actually ‘played’ – outdoors and inside. Ask Grandparents about their favorite outdoor games or simple indoor games.
9. What did you not like to eat?
We always tell our kids to eat all types of foods and that is what our parents told us too. But every person has likes and dislikes. How about asking grandparents what they were not so fond of?
10. Did you fight with your siblings?
Everyone does! That is not even a real question. But it will bring out some lovely precious memories. My mom and her brother always tell us how they fought like cats and dogs and always end by telling us how they love each other so much now!
Even if you leave out questions that are too personal or not appropriate, there is still plenty that kids can ask their grandparents. And grandparents will be happy to oblige because who doesn’t love to share their stories! So let the grandparents take the limelight as you and the kids sit back and be enthralled!
Badiya hai ye to, ab bacche aayengey to bitiya ko ye session arrange karne ko bolungi
I’m wondering what all my mum is gonna answer!!!
Good one Lata!!!