It is so easy to get lost in the symbolic traditions of Diwali and forget its real meaning. We shop and gift and decorate for Diwali, which is fun. But let us go beyond the superficial. As moms, let us make an effort to celebrate a real Diwali with our kids this year.
Bring Light to Someone’s Life has thought of a great way to help you give back, this Diwali. Just login to Amazon India, select a charity organization and send some necessities to those who need them. Let the kids choose which products they wish to gift to lesser privileged children. You can do this from the comfort of your home without even having to step out. You can do this right now!
Closer to Nature
Kids these days have every fancy toy to play with. Let the kids be creative today. Give them a basket full of flowers. Ask them to string them into Garlands or make a beautiful rangoli.
Younger kids can sort different flowers and put them into different containers.
The Victory of Good Over Evil
Tell the kids about the story of Diwali. Use a book or a YouTube video. After the story ends, explain to the kids how Diwali celebrates the victory of the good over the Evil. Explain to them about the modern-day evils in their lives and ask them about 5 ways how they can defeat those evils. Depending upon their age and the challenges your child faces, those evils could be performance in exams, health, bad company, addiction, bad manners, bullies at school etc. Anything that brings them down and hinders their success and happiness is an evil for them. This could be an external factor or, as is mostly the case, their own habits and behavior. Encourage them to tackle it.
Greet Everyone
Yes, they already do that, but this year, and every year from now onwards, expand the reach of ‘everyone’. This year include everyone from your household help to the guy who comes to deliver your newspaper or wash your car. Ask the kids to wish everyone a ‘Happy Diwali’ even if it is the street vendor from whom you are buying the flowers or diyas. Include everyone they encounter during the next 3 days – employees at the supermarket, shopkeepers, cab drivers.The little gesture goes a long way!
I was not well during Diwali…so couldn’t read this blog post of yours Lata!!! But now I’ve done….and the ‘Gift a smile was an amazing part and something which all of us need to follow!!! The natural deco with flowers is a much beautiful option to opt for in Diwali!!