Another school project – more creative time! This time, my daughter was required to make a 3D Globe model for her personal Social Science project. We spent a lovely weekend working on this together. Here are all the steps should you ever need to build something similar for your projects π
First of all, a big thanks to the creators of this YouTube video, which was my inspiration for the globe. Check it out for a very detailed video of how to make a 3D globe:
I have practically created the globe using their ideas. Since our project involved some more details, I added a few more touches. Here is how our project progressed.
What You Will Need:
- Plastic Ball
- Cycle Spoke
- Lighter or Gas Flame
- Paints – Blue and Green
- Thick Paint Brush
- White Marker
- Plastic CD Box
- World Map (blank, available at stationery stores)
- White Thread
- Glue
- Pliers to cut the excess spoke
Note: Check out the video on how to insert the heated cycle spoke in the ball and fix it to the base of the CD box.
Once the ball is set on the base, begin painting the ball with blue paint. Apply 2 coats letting dry completely after each coat. This will give you all the oceans.
2. Now, use a blank world map and a white marker to markΒ all the continents roughly on the painted ball. Cut out the map and use it as a stencil. In case of our ball, the map was much smaller, so I just used it as a reference and drew bigger shapes in proportion to the ball. There isn’t much need to be exact as long as you get the basic shapes of all the continents correctly. And do make sure that India is seen clearly, of course!
3. Paint within the continent lines using green paint. Let dry and repeat.
4. Two coats were enough to make bright looking continents, but you can apply another coat if you feel like. Also, touch up the blue if the paint is chipped from any part. Or if you spill the green out of boundaries.
5. Now, our school project required the 3D globe to show the major oceans, continents, latitudes and longitudes – especially the ones passing through India. I originally thought of using the white marker but it wouldn’t work freely to make long lines. 3D fabric paints or painting lines with a fine brush were also other options but I seriously doubted my artistic skills. Finally, I thought of using thread. Since black thread would not be visible on the dark blue, I went with white thread.
6. Using white thread, I marked the important lines.
Major Latitudes: Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Artic Circle and Antarctic Circle
Major Longitudes: Only Prime Meridian basically, but I also marked the longitude passing through India, and another longitude to balance the overall look.
I used clear drying glue to glue the thread on the top and bottom of the globe as well on several places along the lines.
7. And finally, I printed off the names of the 5 major oceans and the 7 major continents (along with names of the major latitudes and longitudes), cut them up and glued them in place on the prepared 3d globe model.
For your reference:
5 Major Oceans of the World
- Atlantic Ocean
- Pacific Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Arctic Ocean
- Antartic Ocean (or the Southern Ocean)
7 Major Continents of the World
- Asia
- Europe
- Africa
- Australia
- North America
- South America
- Antarctica
Very often, we grumble about the added work that school projects make for us. But, in reality, they can make a good excuse for taking a break from work and bonding with your kids. Not only do you work alongside them, but you also get a chance to share so many knowledgeable insights with them (and learn from them, in return!). It is a very satisfying experience and completely worth sacrificing your work for π
Ohhh wow.. That’s so lovely DIY project.. I love it..
It seems hard from very first glimpse.. But u made it so easily..
Hats off ma’am..
I also did many DIY with paper mashy..but love this concept.. Simple yet elegant
Wow… This is so creative… Kids learn so much better with such 3D models available to have fun with rather than just paper pen!
Creative idea. The came out so very perfect and neat..
Very creative!!
Will try if ira gets any project like this
Love the part about making sure India is visible
wow this is an awesome DIY and i recommend this to all the elder school going students who needs to work on a project, you are an awesome mama!!!
Wow Lata! You are so good at this !!
Wow..this ll b useful in the time to come for me π
This looks so pro…You can actually consider
Wow..This is totally creative..My kids will love it totally π Totally useful for our school project..Thanks for sharing
amazing this is so creative ..loved it
I’m going to bookmark this… Such a creative post
Thats height of creativity. Loved it π