I am back with another ‘Mommy Approved’ giveaway for new moms! When I told the good guys at Multipro how much I loved their Ghodiyu Baby Cradle, they were glad enough to sponsor a giveaway for readers and followers of ‘Fabulous Mom Life’. And as a result, this fabulous and functional swing cradle worth Rs. 3800 is now up for grabs!

The Multipro Ghodiyu Baby Cradle is a BIG help for new parents!
Multipro Ghodiyu Baby Cradle Review
I just got off the phone with a cousin in USA who just had a baby. As we were discussing baby sleeping solutions, I realized how important it is to have the right cradle! I have used the Multipro cradle for my own babies as well as recommended it to other new mommies. Since Multipro ships all around the world, there are many Indian mommies in the US and UK who love this product. Amazon India carries all their products and is one of my favorite places to shop online in India. I will provide all shopping links at the end of the post 🙂

The premium Multipro Ghodiyu Baby Cradle comes with a flat bed as well as a hammock. They are both included in the purchase.
The Indian Style Ghodiyu baby cradle comes in a sleek packaging. The package itself carries a link to the easy assembling video on YouTube. Check out for yourself how easy it is to assemble. The video actually features a mom doing it 🙂
Easy Assembly
The Multipro Ghodiyu Baby Swing Cradle is one baby gear that won’t have you running to your husband to assemble. You can easily assemble it yourself in 5 minutes flat. That said, the assembled cradle is extremely strong and sturdy.
What I Love About Multipro Ghodiyu Baby Cradle
The Indian style swing cradle is a proven method of putting babies to sleep in India. Multipro lends it a modern twist by making it portable and feature-loaded. Here are some features of this swing cradle that I love:

Use it as a flat bed cradle or a swing hammock
1. First and foremost – the fact that it is portable! You can easily disassemble it, pack it in the bag provided for carrying it, and carry it along in the boot of your car. It is a boon when you are going on a camping trip, a picnic, a family event or even an outdoor dinner. The best part is that you can quickly assemble the cradle and put the baby to sleep in it, while you enjoy your party. The mosquito net makes it especially relevant for outdoor use.
2. Furthermore, it is a big win over travel cribs because of it’s rocking function. The traditional Indian style cradle has a rocking motion that puts the baby to sleep and encourages longer hours of sleep.
3. In addition to the above, the baby cradle contains both – a Flatbed Cradle AND a hammock! As seen on wifeknows.com – they are both of very high quality and have been tested for safety and performance.

The mosquito net makes the Multipro Ghodiyu Baby Swing Cradle perfect for outdoor use and the top bar is perfect for hanging toys.
4. You can carry it along when traveling and set it up in your hotel room for the baby to be comfortably tucked in. The folded cradle can be carried in trains and planes. Babies already sense a new environment and are hence, cranky. In their own cradle, they feel like home, and you save money on extra beds. Because I have three kids, it is a constant challenge finding hotel rooms to accommodate us all. With the cradle, it becomes very easy!
5. The cradle can sleep a baby of newborn to 6 months (or more…depends) of age. That is the age when the baby isn’t mobile yet and you have to continuously hold them in your arms. The cradle makes is so much easier.
6. The thick rubber pegs on the stands have an extremely good grip and they don’t let the Ghodiyu slip or slide as you pull on the cradle rope.
7. And finally, the cradle is great for indoor use. It is safe to put the baby in the cradle and use your free time (and hands) to relax. I like to hang toys on the center bar to keep the baby occupied.
In conclusion, the Multipro Ghodiyu Baby Cradle is a blessing for modern parents. Our age-old traditional cradles have been perfected and updated to serve all modern day newborn parenting purposes.
Shop Online for the Multipro Ghodiyu Baby Swing Cradle
Here’s where you can shop for the Multipro Ghodiyu online:
Amazon India
www.MultiproEshop.com (For International Buyers)
www.MultiproEnterprise.com (For Indian Buyers)
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Enter to Win the Multipro Ghodiyu Baby Cradle (Rs. 3800 Value)
Moms of newborn to 6 months of age as well as moms-to-be can participate in this giveaway brought to you by FabulousMomLife.com and Multipro.
- Follow FabulousMomLife on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter
- Like the Post Containing the Giveaway Details on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and Tag one Mom in the comments
Each follow+like+tag will win you one entry.
To earn additional entries:
- Comment on this Post – What is Your Favorite Baby Gear?
- Add any Multipro cradle to your Amazon wishlist using your Amazon India account
- Subscribe to my blog by filling up your email in the form on the sidebar. This keeps you notified of my new posts + giveaways and is a great way to stay in touch!
- Follow me on ALL social media (one entry for each follow)
- Tag more moms! (One entry for each additional mom tagged – If the mom has already been tagged before by another participant, no entry will be added).
Contest Rules
- Contest Winner should have an Indian address for the prize to be shipped to.
- Contest begins from Wednesday, June 29th to Tuesday, July 5th.
- Make your social media accounts public so they can be verified.
Contest Ends on July 5th midnight so enter now and start adding your entries. A winner will be picked randomly through random.org.
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Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway.. would love to win it..
My favourite baby gear is Stroller.
Added this beautiful Multipro Cradle on my Amazon India account https://www.amazon.in/gp/cart/view.html/ref=gno_cart
Subscribed to your blog : lily.m809@gmail.com
Facebook : Nisha Kolay
Twitter : @Jhalli_lily
Instagram : @nisha_kolay
I will give my best to win this awesome giveaway
Thanks mam for this wonderdul giveaway last time I missed the chance to participate in your giveaway.
My favourite baby gear is stoller multi purpose with lots of pocket which make it very convient when you take your kid to park or mall.
Subscibed to you blog following you on social media
Wish to win
My favourite Baby gear is a Baby Carry Cot.
Awesome prize for new babies.. my favorite baby gear is Baby hug walker
My twitter ID @kapoor007sumita
Insta ID @kapoorsumita14
Facebook sumita.kapoor (manish.manvi)
Added this pretty Multipro Cradle to my Amazon wishlist in my Amazon India account
Followed u on all social media platforms B-)
Twitter id- @shaikh_kashifah
Instagram id- Ambitious_Kashifah
Subscribed to ur blog 🙂
Email id- kashifahshaikh@gmail.com
Facebook id- Kashifah Shaikh
thnx for the giveaway ..I am still not a mom :p but soon in this July I am going to be an aunt for the very first time … I am so excited..hope it’s going to be a nice experience for me …! wish to win this so that I can gift it to my niece or nephew ♡♡♡ 🙂
twitter – @sahrishf1
instagram – @sahrishf_1
Facebook – سحرش فاطمہ
Thank you for the amazing & extremely useful giveaway.. my favourite baby gear is infant carrier… it’s soo convenient to carry your infant anywhere without worriying of safety & mishandling… little ones needs support all the time & v sometimes miss dat… Can do shopping or any work hassle & tension free… Eazy to transport, weightless, comfort , & best design according to baby makes it worth buying.
Following on Instagram – ren.bhargava06, Facebook – renubhargava
Following u everywhere ma’am..
Thank u for this lovely giveaway.. My due date is next month & I desperately wanna this cradle for my first baby..
Fb – Avni jain
Instagram- avni_beautypedia
Twitter- avnijain2608
G+ -avnijain456 / avnijain2608
My favorite baby gear is stroller because it seems multipurpose for me .. When my baby will come next month, I’ll show him/her the environment/surrounding with the help the stroller..even my hubby will also feel comfortable.. (As we become new parents)
My mail id is avnijain2608@gmail.com
Subscribed already..
Wish to win…
Added the wish list on Amazon -https://www.amazon.in/gp/aw/d/B01D496SIG/ref=mp_s_a_1_20?ie=UTF8&qid=1467633563&sr=8-20&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=baby+gear&dpPl=1&dpID=41OjXAbpUIL&ref=plSrch
Following on Twitter – renubhargava06
Done my best ma’am.. Eagerly wish to win this for my coming baby..
Thank u for organized such a wonderful giveaway.. I filled with full of enthusiasm & really feel strong attachment towards my coming baby..
Thank u again ma’am..