The joy and elation of pregnancies, and especially, a first time pregnancy, are always coupled with a lot of anxiety and questions. A lot of contradicting advice pours in from all directions. While most of the advice is meant for the mommy-to-be’s well-being, it is very easy to lose focus from the most important issues – your health, nutrition, exercise and the right mindset and preparation for labour and childbirth. Prenatal classes help set your focus right and also prepare you for the challenges of early stages of parenthood.
I visited an antenatal workshop yesterday. Dr. Barkha’s Antenatal class was an eye opener. I realized how much I was still unaware of, even after 3 childbirths. I wish I was fortunate enough to have access to one of them, during my pregnancy. Nevertheless, I am convinced that every mom-to-be needs to attend one – and preferably with the dad-to-be!
As a pregnant woman, prenatal classes will prepare you for both pregnancy and childbirth and make you as aware as possible. Of all the things that an information-packed prenatal class teaches you, some of the most important things are:
1. Diet and Nutrition – Pre and Post Pregnancy
Antenatal classes take away the guesswork out of your diet concerns. Mommies-to-be learn about the right type of diet beneficial for themselves and their baby. Knowledge about diet for special conditions during the pregnancy such as Gestational Diabetes is also shared.
2. Exercises during Pregnancy
During these classes, you learn about the physical changes that you experience when you are pregnant and the importance of correct posture. You are enlightened about which exercises you must do and those to avoid. The correct way of doing exercises, beneficial Yoga poses and a clear understanding of how and why each exercise works (or doesn’t) makes it easier to prepare for a normal delivery. They also help set and attain practical weight loss goals post delivery.
3. Lamaze Breathing for an Easy Labor and Childbirth
Where most Indian moms are only instructed to ‘push’ when delivering the baby, ‘Lamaze’ breathing opens the door to so much more. Right from when the labour pains begin to delivering the baby, proper breathing techniques help you relax and go through the process in a calmer state of mind.
4. Post Partum Blues
The period after the baby arrives can be depressing for many moms. From the pampered, pregnant mommy-to-be, they transition into sleep-deprived, tired new moms. The arrival of the baby pushes backwards their own needs of attention. How to cope with this stress and how new Daddies can help out, is covered in this section.

Daddies-to-be learning how to handle newborn babies
5. Handling Your Newborn Baby
And finally, antenatal classes send you home prepared for the basic care and handling of your newborn baby. From bathing to nappies, massage to swaddling, they try to prepare you as much as possible. Daddies-to-be are given practical lessons on handling delicate newborns.
Whether you an attend regular prenatal classes, or even a one-off workshop, they are a must for all pregnant women. A well-informed mommy-to-be is sure to make a well-prepared new mommy and it will make a ton of difference to your entire pregnancy experience!
That’s a very informative blog….wish I could know that before my pregnancy…it’s so amazing to have prenatal classes as every mom to be has so many queries & questions…still many things r unaware & v Follow things that old people says…great idea to attend so that v be fully prepared to give our new one a great life… thanks for sharing…it’s really a help in need ❤❤❤