You might notice the signs of growing up a year in advance. The changes in her body will catch your eye. When you are done fainting that you are the mother of a soon-to-be ‘little woman’, start thinking about preparing your daughter for her first period.
I am the last one of 4 siblings and my mom, wonderful though she is, did not find this a comfortable topic. As a result, I was completely unprepared for my period. I did not even know what it was…lol. Well, I survived, and so will our daughters. But it is a good idea to lessen the shock by preparing them in advance. Here is how I prepared my daughter for her first period.
1. Educate Her
Talk to your daughter well in advance. The TV commercials have already done a great job in building common knowledge about menstrual cycles. You might already have been asked the question about your sanitary pads. Don’t dodge the question. Take it as an opportunity. Answer in simple and clear terms. The TV ads will handle the graphic representation part for you. Additionally, tell her about the other changes her body is going through. Her new curves, vaginal and underarm hair etc. You can leave out the part of the ovary and the egg to after she has had her period, if you like.
2. Bust Myths
Explain very clearly to your daughter that having periods is a very natural part of growing up and that all girls, including Mamma, go through it. Tell her that it is completely okay for her to do mild activity and her usual chores during periods.
3. Keep Her Prepared
The biggest fear where periods are concerned is when they will start. It can be anywhere – at home or school – when you might not be around to help. Prepare a little pouch for her to carry everywhere. Keep in it a small pad and a clean panty in case she stains the one she is wearing. Also keep a polythene bag for her to bring in the soiled panty. Always keep a supply of sanitary napkins at home. I have begun purchasing a 30 or 45 piece pack from Amazon and distributed them in my handbag, her school bag, in the car emergency kit etc. This will build her (and your!) confidence and you will both feel equipped.
4. Emotional Support
Lend her emotional support. Tell her that you will always be there should she face any awkwardness at all. Tell her about your own first period. Mine was hilarious. I did not even realize I had begun my period until 2 days after! The tiny dots on my panties seem to have not caught my attention at all. Can you believe it! LOL! I shared this experience with my daughter and we had a good laugh over how silly Mommy was. She will be glad to prove herself smarter than her mommy I am sure!
I’m so glad you did this Lata!!! We mums should really make our daughters well informed about this!! I wish I have had a daughter…
Nevertheless…. This post is a
Wonderful…. Such a sensitive and seemingly complicated topic, penned down so well…
Very well explained.. through these points it’s look easy to make her prepare..
Very well written dear.. And its such a sensitive topic. Hope more people are comfortable to talk about it openly..
Excellent thoughts in this post. Now a days, in schools also they educate very properly. Helps a lot!
My mum never told as my elder sister did the job it’s all about it can be explained in a friendly way and the best part is to know it’s normal
And nothing to be ashamed of
It is so good you did this it is important that parents explain these things to their children and not let them feel confused
Thank you writing this Lata! Even though Karma is still young, it is never too late for me to start preparing myself… This page is getting bookmarked.
You have picked such an important topic. My daughter is 5 years now but i have bookmarked the article, very helpful.
This post is worth sharing and very well written
It’s so well written !! We all need to learn how to handle it
I’ve been a mentor on this topic to a couple of my cousins and my own sis, me being the eldest. However, I’ve three sons now. Lol. Great topic to write on, though
Wonderful Post, as being a mom of 2 daughter, It helped me keep them ready