Paying the school fees, shopping and preparation for school is what comes to your mind when you think of your kids school. But there is more that you need to do in order to help your kids make the most of their year at school. Being a responsible parent goes a long way in making school sessions easier for both, your child and their teachers. It also helps build a good rapport with the school staff.
I have experienced some extremely perfect, as well as crazy times, trying to manage kids’ school activities. Learning from my experiences, I now have a checklist in my mind to ensure that my children have a good school year. Working in harmony with the school teachers is the best way to ensure a fruitful school year. Here are some of my tips that I feel parents need to keep in mind and follow:
Be a Responsible Parent
1. Get to know and build a good rapport with your kids teacher.
2. Stay up to date with your child’s class curriculum.
3. Be aware of Parent Teacher meets and get involved in the school’s PTA.
4. Familiarize yourself with the holidays and test dates. You can also note them down on a wall calendar for easy access. I find this the most handy method.
5. Check your child’s school work every day and ensure completion of home work.
6. Keep track of all school events and make it a point to attend them and encourage your child to participate.
7. Check your child’s school bag regularly to see circulars and notices for parent-teacher conferences and other school events.
8. Keep holding informal conversations with your kids to keep track of their friends and check whether they are hanging out with the wrong kind of people. Similarly, try to stay abreast of any cases of child abuse of bullying in the school.
9. Ensure that your child completes all the required school projects in time and takes along, whatever he or she is asked to bring for projects and activities.
10. Always make time to write leave absence and other notes in the school diary to help save your child any embarrassment at school.
11. Ensure the payment of school and other fees on time. Use wall calendars and mobile phone reminders to make sure you do not miss the due dates. What seems like no big deal at home, can cause your child a lot of embarrassment at school.
12. Attend workshops conducted by the school. They will help you know about the changing curriculum and build a better rapport with teachers.
This is so important
really appreciate this
nice collection of tips
Very nice written..
For today generation of Both working parents , they need to check n keep track with their children..
Very helpful
Am a teacher myself yet at times I tend to forget to be a parent. These tips were such an eye opener & so useful. Thanks for sharing them 🙂
Very nice n informative review..