Because it feels so good!
I know some you might find it difficult to sink your teeth into, but that’s the whole and soul of it really. At the time I had my first baby, I did not know I had an option to breastfeed or to not. I was a first-time mommy and looked to my mom for every little thing about motherhood. It was not a question of whether I wanted to, it was how it was supposed to be. So I obeyed. After a couple of weeks of painfully pinching and pulling the nipples to applying an ointment for cracks in them, I actually fell in love. I fell in love with the feeling of being so important for my darling baby, with how it felt when her tiny little lips tugged on my breasts to pull the milk out. Even the leaking breasts were forgiven.

Breastfeeding is the most unselfish act ever!
Eventually, when my baby was weaned, I was more resentful, than relieved. A first time mommy has difficulty believing that she is going to be as important to her kids after they have weaned than when she was breastfeeding them. I know better now!
Breastfeeding was Easier the Second Time Around
The early stages of breastfeeding were so much easier when I had my second baby. I was an experienced mom and the nipples did not need to be pulled out. Through crazy, sleepless, tired days, I managed to smile every time I gazed at my baby during breastfeeding. I breastfed for about 2 years until I finally started to look for ways to wean the baby because co-sleeping made my little man think he could fall asleep with my nipple in his mouth!
Now my third angel is here and I feel blessed to get another chance to bond with my child through breastfeeding. I had been looking forward to it throughout my pregnancy and it makes me sad to think that this could be the last time. My heart melts inside, every time my crying baby finds comfort in breastfeeding. It makes me feel so superior I can actually understand why Gwen Stefani said that breastfeeding her baby makes her feel like a superwoman!
It Falls Into Place!
I know some of you find it tough – initially at least. But take my word for it, everything will fall into place soon and you will see that there is nothing more natural than a mother breastfeeding her baby. It might help you a lot to check tips on how to help the baby ‘latch’ properly to avoid painful breastfeeding and use a boppy pillow to avoid straining your back.
Summing it up, other than the fact that breastfeeding makes your baby strong and healthy, helps you speed up the process of losing your pregnancy weight and makes traveling and commuting with babies super duper hassle-free, I breastfeed simply because I love to do it and cherish every single moment of it. All my kids were exclusively breastfed for 6 months and then continued to breastfeed for as long as they liked to. Unlike diapering and other parenting decisions, I do not think breastfeeding is a matter of choice or something that should be influenced by ‘parenting trends’. Look around you. Nature will give you plenty of examples that breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world.
When you do something truly unselfishly for someone, you are bound to connect with them on a much higher level. I cannot think of many unselfish things that I have done in my life other than breastfeeding and it was worth every effort. My heart goes out to moms who, for unavoidable or medical reasons, cannot breastfeed. Parenting is full of opportunities for unselfish acts and I am sure you will find many of your own to connect with your lovely babies.
You know I just love to read your posts so much coz they are real and relatable, I too have always enjoyed breastfeeding my kids, and so even everyone around me is telling me to stop bf my toddler gal, i am unable to do so, I just melt when she comes to me looking for dudu 🙂
Just not for the sake of your continuing giveaway…I’ve really liked this article in particular because this is so relatable one. My boy took my feed for the first 13 months….and yes I really felt contented while breastfeeding him….initially I had cracks as well n it pained too but its all worth it!!!! Seeing your baby satisfied after the feed is just joyful for every mom you see!!!!
This article really encourages one to breastfeed after delivery and makes mothers like me proud that we did it!!!!!
Loved your article… If read few months back can’t corelate. Being a new mom of baby girl I don’t knw how to breastfeed my baby. But when I does …I feel on top of the world. Nothing can beat the feeling to breastfeed your newborn when she looks upon to you for comfort & food. Baby latching on to you with hands holding the breast, looking with tiny eyes, making sounds or gargles, & eyes wide open to see you r truelly some cherished moments. Whole world of my baby revolves around me & I feel so positive & full of energy even in sleepless nights. Motherhood brings lot of responsibility but breastfeeding makes our bond stronger…Feels happy to know that I am the most important person for my baby. My baby is happy & content after breastfeed makes me attaining nirvana..
Its very true that breast feeding not only connect the bond between you n baby but also helps to nourish properly.. Now a days so called new mums not feed just for sake of their figure..
But your article is inspiration for all mums.I also feed my baby only with breast..coz its not only gives me satisfaction that my baby is nourishing well,but also feel more connected to my angel..
I am going through the same doubtful phase wondering if baby would still find mommy important after weaning. My baby is 11 months old and although people say I should start weaning, I am not ready and I don’t think even my baby is.
Agreed that moms who formula feed are no less. Parenting itself is an unselfish act. Infact for the breastfeeding awareness month I published a similar article on my blog
lovely sweet and cute post and i am going through this now as I have one month old son in my hand. I totally love when he come into my hand and get silent while breastfeeding and he start looking at me. I just love that moment
I can completely relate to the new mommy issues u have mentioned here.Being unaware of breastfeeding tips & techniques,it led me to high fever for two days ,but then when I started breastfeeding, d feeling was divine.This is the most honest post I have come across. Any adjectives I say won’t do justice to the great work u do ….hats off to u !!!