The sky is the limit when it comes to choosing mehndi designs for your Godh bharai or baby shower. Depending upon how comfortable you find sitting for the design to be created on your hands (and how patient you are, if I may add), you can choose any design that you fancy.
But Godh bharai is a very special occasion. You are getting ready to welcome your little bundle of joy into this world and your friends and family have come to shower you with your blessings. Why not make the day even more special with your mehndi design blending traditional henna motifs with modern and Indian baby motifs. I found some very special designs perfect for the occasion that will inspire you for your own Godh bharai or an Indian themed Baby Shower celebration.
The universal favorite baby motif, a pram, makes this mehndi design for Godh bharai a very special one.

Clearly a favorite, this stunning mehndi design shows a baby in a ‘paalna’ or ‘jhoola’ with the mother depicted on the other hand. The design evokes beautiful images of ancient India.
Another lovely ‘Mom and Baby’ design. Look how cute the baby looks in the pram!
Ganesha motif has always been very auspicious for us Indians. This design depicts a lovely baby and symbolic blessings for ‘new beginnings’.
Easily the most intricate motif in this collection, this Godh bharai mehndi design is a full blown freehand portrait of Yashoda with Bal Krishna. Another stunning concept!
You can add the baby stroller motif to any simple or intricate design that you like. Other than the central pram motif, notice the cutest little motifs on the finger tips – a pacifier, a baby block, a rattle and a milk bottle!

I was unable to find a larger image for this one, but the beautiful design surely deserved a place in this list. What could be a fonder depiction of the bond between a mother and her child.

Get creative with kiddie motifs. Other than baby Krishna and baby pram, you can opt for many more designs like a ‘teddy bear’ for example. Other popular baby motifs for mehndi designs for Godh bharai are a rubber ducky, baby bib, baby onesie, a stork delivering a baby, a mother-baby silhouette or line drawing etc. Go with what you can identify best with, and make it a very special Godh bharai.
Lovely designs