Choosing the right bath and body products for our precious babies has always been challenging. It might sound cliche, but 'Natural' is the answer to making the right choice. Moms (including myself) and moms-to-be fell in love with the safe and chemical-free skin care products by The Moms Co. And now … [Read more...]
Special Care and Massage Tips for C-Section Babies
A lot is discussed about the effects of a C-section delivery on a mom. But very little is known about how the delivery affects C-Section babies. It affects them more than you could ever imagine! I am not trying to scare you - I have been though it myself! But if a C-section is inevitable, it is … [Read more...]
Your First Baby: Enjoy the Time While It Lasts
Having your first baby is the most precious 'first' of all! It is the first time you become a mom. But it is also the first time of many other 'new mommy' issues. Lack of experience turns most part of having a first baby into a worrying mill. And before you have enjoyed it to the fullest, the baby … [Read more...]
Pampers Premium Care vs Pampers Baby Dry Diaper Pants
Pampers Baby Dry pants enjoyed maximum popularity with Indian mothers. Mainly because of the lack of a suitable alternative. Mothers of newborn and older babies easily figured out that Pampers were much better than Huggies and Mamy Poko - the other 2 pant style diapers available. But this changed … [Read more...]
Bambo Nature Eco Friendly Disposable Diapers Review + Giveaway
Any opportunity to go green gets my vote and I strive to become as eco-friendly as possible. So when Bambo Nature Diapers India contacted me to review their eco-friendly diapers, I was super excited. The Danish brand from the house of Abena is now available in India and I am glad to bring to you a … [Read more...]
My Favorite Brands: Swaddles and Sleep Sacks
I am a big advocate of swaddling and cannot imagine how one can bring up a baby otherwise! Modern day entrepreneurial moms and other thoughtful brains have come up with creative ideas to help swaddle the baby without any fuss. The best creation that makes a mom's life so much more easier has got to … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Soothe Your Baby After Vaccination
Every mom must have felt the shots piercing through, as their precious angels are subjected to the pain and shock of vaccination. I myself admit to being overcome with grief, even after going through it with 3 kids. One moment, the baby is smiling at me - looking re-assured that her mommy is there. … [Read more...]
Why do I Breastfeed?
Because it feels so good! I know some you might find it difficult to sink your teeth into, but that's the whole and soul of it really. At the time I had my first baby, I did not know I had an option to breastfeed or to not. I was a first-time mommy and looked to my mom for every little thing about … [Read more...]
5 Trusted Diaper Rash Remedies
Diaper rash is, unfortunately, common in babies. But that does not make it's occurrence welcome. In fact, it is the most discomforting situation and you want your baby's delicate skin to get rid of it asap. I share with you, today, some of my tried and tested remedies for diaper rash - both mild and … [Read more...]
Cloth Diapers Giveaway for Indian Moms!
Thank you so much for loving my post on Cloth Diapers! I love to share my favorites through giveaways and here's your chance to win a pair of these super comfortable and super cute cloth diapers for your baby. Indian moms and moms-to-be are welcome to participate in this giveaway! I have … [Read more...]