When I found that fellow mommies in the rest of the world are 'Cloth Diapering', I was shocked, to say the least! Was the world going backwards? But I soon found out that their idea of Cloth Diapers was very different from we in India term cloth diapers to be. In fact, choosing cloth diapers can be … [Read more...]
SwaddleMe Wraps Review + Swaddling Benefits and Challenges
It was difficult to master the trick of effective swaddling with my first born. She always managed to kick herself out of the wrap, no matter how well I (or even her grandmama) tried! When the same thing happened with my second born, I began to look for better ways because the benefits of swaddling … [Read more...]
The Best Diaper Brand in India
Motherhood brings along with it, a set of difficult choices to be made! Choosing the best diaper brand is one of them. Anyone who has children will know how important it is to choose the right diaper. Over 10 years and with 3 babies, I have experienced a good chunk of the Indian diaper market. I … [Read more...]