Parenting a newborn is one of the best feelings in the world. You wish to give your precious baby the best of everything. And more and more parents are becoming conscious of what goes into the products they use for their baby. They are choosing clean and healthy, chemical free baby products. Whereas … [Read more...]
Summer Essentials: Talc Free Baby Powder and Natural Diaper Rash Cream by The Moms Co
Summers are here and the fun and play need to be complimented with extra care and comfort for the sweaty outdoor sessions. An extra dose of powder to keep fresh and a good diaper rash cream for the sweaty hours in diapers are on every mom's list for the coming months. And you have even more choice … [Read more...]
5 Trusted Diaper Rash Remedies
Diaper rash is, unfortunately, common in babies. But that does not make it's occurrence welcome. In fact, it is the most discomforting situation and you want your baby's delicate skin to get rid of it asap. I share with you, today, some of my tried and tested remedies for diaper rash - both mild and … [Read more...]