Whether you're looking to build a card collection on a budget or are hoping to turn a profit, there are certain things you need to keep in mind. First, you should always purchase cards from a hobby shop or reputable online seller. Consider having your cards graded by a reputable company like PSA … [Read more...]
Take a Walk In My North Pole Christmas Village
Every year, at Christmas time, I bring out my treasured Christmas village buildings. My mantle turns into a picture perfect North Pole Christmas Village that draws all eyes. Come, take a walk across the little village that is my Christmas mantle decoration for a couple of weeks. The main … [Read more...]
A Treasured Collectible from R.M.S Titanic
More than a 100 years after it sunk into the North Atlantic Ocean, the Titanic continues to live in the hearts of people. It holds a special place in my heart too. And I am proud to own a piece of the real Titanic - a bit of authentic coal recovered from the sunken ship! Through books and an … [Read more...]
Traditional Decorating with Wooden Indian Toys
These beautiful wooden toys have been in my family home from even before I was born. I brought them out to decorate the table for an outdoor garden party one evening and couldn't help being fascinated once again. The traditional arts of India are mesmerizing. The craftsmanship is impeccable … [Read more...]
Coin Collecting – A Wonderful Hobby for Kids
Coin collecting is the ideal hobby for children. It helps them learn about different places and sparks their interest in the history and culture of their own country as well as well as the rest of the world. I bought a lovely coin album this year to get my kids started with a coin collection of … [Read more...]
Getting Creative with Displaying Collectibles
It is almost impossible to not collect stuff when you are a decorator at heart. I am a bona fide collector of all things pretty, and like all you fabulous homemakers out there, I take pride in displaying my collections. For the last couple of weeks, I have been working on re-arranging my displays. … [Read more...]