Mornings set the tone for your entire day. Ever wonder why some people seem to have it all together — calm, productive, and energetic? The secret often lies in their morning habits. Adopting just a few powerful habits can boost your mood, improve your focus, and help you achieve your goals faster. … [Read more...]
How Modern Moms Can Enhance Their Mental Health
Mental health and well-being are among the most important elements of motherhood, and doing as much as you can to work on these can really help to improve your life. It is vital to make sure you think about some of the key ideas that are going to help you improve your life, and be a better parent as … [Read more...]
Nature’s Embrace: Shinrin Yoku and Global Philosophies for Forest Connection
Every now and then, I am drawn towards nature. In fact, most of my mornings begin with a walk amidst nature - in a lovely teak forest that my city is blessed to have right in the middle. In a fast-paced world dominated by technology and urban living, there's a growing recognition of the profound … [Read more...]
Is a Life Coach Needed for Kids?
Happy children, full of self-confidence, have more future prospects… 'I can't'….. 'I don't dare'…. Every child feels insecure from time to time. It only becomes difficult if your child starts to avoid certain situations, prefers to stay at home or does not dare to say 'no' for the fear that he no … [Read more...]
Why Play is Important for Children’s Mental Health
Playing is such an essential part of life no matter what our age, and while we do seem to get a lot more time to do it when we are younger, it is crucial that that time is taken advantage of. The need to play is an innate motivation, though it is demonstrated through thousands of different … [Read more...]
Protecting Your Children During a Divorce
Almost 50% of American marriages end in divorce and, in many cases, it’s the children who are the worst affected. Growing up in a broken family can cause mental distress and inhibit development. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. With the right strategies, you can ensure that the effect … [Read more...]
Who are the most important professionals to support your child with?
As a mother, one of the biggest worries you can have revolves around supporting your children. Of course, every parent's dream is to give their child more than they had growing up. But, in a world where we are more aware than ever regarding getting support when we need it, who should you be … [Read more...]
What to Do If Your Kid Is Getting Bullied At School
Bullying is a major problem in the Western world and especially in the United States. One in five American students has reported some sort of abuse by their peers. What's even worse, 40% of them believe that this pattern will continue. Although most people don’t realize this, such behavior … [Read more...]
Three Ways to Recapture the Girl You Used to Be
The life you want is probably the life you have — but with the best of your younger days added in. How do you revive the "you that you used to be"? By looking back at the things in your life that once gave you pleasure. To get started, do the easy exercises below. 1. Things You've Kept Think … [Read more...]
My Only New Year Resolution
A new year is the best excuse to give yourself the much needed push. Like everyone else, I make my new year resolutions too. This year is a little different though. Today's blog is about some musings on life and my new year resolution. My Only New Year Resolution Lose weight, travel more, … [Read more...]