Severe throbbing pain or a pulsation sensation on one or both sides of the head is classified as migraine. Pain can often last for up to 72 hours. Migraine is often accompanied by other symptoms like sensitivity to light, nausea and vomiting. There are several things that can trigger migraine … [Read more...]
My Only New Year Resolution
A new year is the best excuse to give yourself the much needed push. Like everyone else, I make my new year resolutions too. This year is a little different though. Today's blog is about some musings on life and my new year resolution. My Only New Year Resolution Lose weight, travel more, … [Read more...]
Sexual Wellness Supplement for Mommy and Daddy from Mama Earth
Despite having multiple mentions in the Vedas and a prominent section in the Ayurveda, sex continues to remain a topic to avoid discussing publicly. But no one can demean the importance of a healthy sex life between a husband and a wife. So we choose our closest of friends to discuss our concerns. … [Read more...]
Mamaearth DHA Supplement for Vegetarian Indian Mommies
The benefits of Omega3 and DHA keep making rounds on our social media feeds. More than half of the time, us moms do not pay attention because a majority of Indians are vegetarian. Naturally occurring in Fish Oil, we turn a blind eye to the importance of Omega3. But not anymore! Moms, pledge along … [Read more...]
Mama Earth Apple Cider Vinegar Review
Apple Cider Vinegar has been on my kitchen shelf for cooking purposes. When I recently started hearing about it's benefits for health and fat loss, I suddenly started seeing it in a new light. And my detox efforts with it saw the light of the day when my favorite and trusted brand came up with ACV … [Read more...]
Postpartum Depression – Help for Indian Moms
Do you know the biggest reason why women don't talk about their postpartum depression? Because they think it is shameful to admit that they are having mixed feelings about being a mom, instead of feeling blessed after having a baby!Makes sense, doesn't it? You went through a blissful pregnancy … [Read more...]
Postpartum Hair Loss – My At-Home Remedico Consultation Experience
Hair fall and thinning after pregnancy is one of the most common issues of moms. I have begun to act on my resolve of not putting my health and wellness on the back burner. The first issue I wanted to tackle was postpartum hair loss. And I took the first step - got a personalized treatment plan from … [Read more...]
Moms, Let Us Take Care of Ourselves!
There cannot be a Fabulous Mom Life until mommy starts taking care of herself. As moms, it is in our nature to put everything else before our own selves. But this will only lead to a complete burnout eventually. No, even I cannot put myself first. But I can at least put my health and wellness in the … [Read more...]