The shock, disgust and fear that the incident triggered in me was followed by a resolve. A resolve to not only to educate my pre-teen daughter (yes, she was foremost in my thoughts) on her personal safety, but also to do my part to not contribute to the 'toxic masculinity'. Working on the cure is … [Read more...]
Reconnect with Your Family This Year
MomLife is more than just a hashtag! In reality, it means juggling between the demands of everyday life. And in between everything else, trying to savor every bit of the process of raising kids. Responsible parenting, homemaking, earning - together they can interfere in your family time leaving you … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Celebrate a Real Diwali with Kids
It is so easy to get lost in the symbolic traditions of Diwali and forget its real meaning. We shop and gift and decorate for Diwali, which is fun. But let us go beyond the superficial. As moms, let us make an effort to celebrate a real Diwali with our kids this year. Bring Light to Someone's … [Read more...]
My Top 5 Parenting Mantras that even Celebrity Moms Swear By
Parenting does not come with a set of rules. We, each of us moms, know what works best for us. And yet, it is nice to find validation, especially from women who have successfully set an example for others. I like to read about the parenting styles of other successful moms, especially Bollywood and … [Read more...]
Gender Equality Begins At Home
"Kids don't come with instructions, but they do come with open minds." - Dr. Christopher Metzler I am a mommy to both a Girl and a Boy who see their parents sharing household responsibilities every single day. Even then, I live surrounded by people who view certain chores as a man's job and others … [Read more...]
My Pregnancy Journey – Breaking Stereotypes the Third Time Around!
All my pregnancies have been wonderful, mind you, and I wouldn't exchange them for anybody else's, no matter how glamorous they might claim theirs to be. Be it the first super special pregnancy or the second one with the anxious 'big sister to be' counting days on the calendar with us. But it was … [Read more...]
The Best Diaper Brand in India
Motherhood brings along with it, a set of difficult choices to be made! Choosing the best diaper brand is one of them. Anyone who has children will know how important it is to choose the right diaper. Over 10 years and with 3 babies, I have experienced a good chunk of the Indian diaper market. I … [Read more...]
Making Bath Time Fun
Each one of my kids is fond of water and yet, have resisted taking baths at some point or the other. While there is no excuse to skip a quick daily bath on hectic school mornings, I do like to indulge them in some bath time fun on holidays that makes them want to never leave the bathroom! I let them … [Read more...]