Your children are your world - you want to protect them, you want the best for them, you want them to excel and most importantly, you don’t want them to make the same mistakes you made while growing up. In the whole process, you fail to realize when your perfectly good intentions start getting … [Read more...]
9 Ways Quitting Drinking Made Me a Better Parent
At the age of 17, I had my first drink, and I never looked back. Obviously, I took a break from alcohol while I was pregnant with each of my three children, but as soon as I recovered, I was back to it every single night, during social outings, at lunch, and so on. By the time I was 30, I was … [Read more...]
Should You Really Ban Certain Foods for Your Kids?
Store in Your Home Only What You Want Your Kids to Eat When I read this, I was sure I had found the solution to every single problem in life. I banished sweets and chocolates from my home. Well I did not banish them. I hid them - in my own closet - to pass them on to someone else. Ok, who am I … [Read more...]
10 Good Parenting Skills to Work Upon
Motherhood, or let's say, Parenthood, can be chaotic! Juggling everything else along with our children, can be a daunting task. And at the end of the day, we are often left with mixed feelings about how we did as a parent. Amidst all the parenting chaos, here is the voice of reason. I am writing … [Read more...]
Should Parents Let Kids Choose Their Friends?
Well, in some cases - NO! Now before you jump on me for being a dictatorial parent, hear me out. My experiences from parenting newborns to pre-teens has taught me one thing - Never say never! You never know what life is going to bring next. On whether parents should let kids choose their friends, I … [Read more...]
10 Fun Questions For Grandparents
Grandparents are a treasure trove of knowledge. And not just knowledge about the world but everything about the family too! A great way for children to bond with grandparents and borrow some of their wisdom is a fun interview. We recently did an 'Interview with Grandma' and it was a super success! … [Read more...]
Eat Delete Junior Review and Giveaway
Eat Delete Junior is the latest book by celebrity nutritionist Pooja Makhija and the kiddie version of her bestseller Eat Delete. The book addresses the most important question of parents - Kids' Nutrition. From newborns to teens, Pooja arms parents with tips and ideas on giving their children … [Read more...]
My Parenting Mantra – Respect Your Child’s Individuality
Respect is very important for me in my life. It is essential for me to give and receive respect from everyone who I truly care about. That includes my husband and my kids. And that forms the basis of my parenting mantra - Respect the individuality of your child. Parenting Mantras Parenting is … [Read more...]
Fun, Everyday Ways to Improve Maths Skills in Kids
When I see my little one naming all the colors of her nesting blocks and say to myself - "Education would be so much more easier if was always this fun!" I don't know how it is going to shape up as they grow, but right now, I do all I can to make it fun for them. I believe the best part about being … [Read more...]
5 Ideas to Stop Guilty Conscience Spending
Working parents often tend to make up for their absence by guilty conscience spending. They feel bad about not being able to spend more time with their kids and end up buying expensive presents for them. I can myself relate to this. It is so easy to bribe a child with a costly new toy instead of … [Read more...]