When you first walk into the Cochin International Airport, it is impossible not to be in awe of the row of magnificent, life-size elephant sculptures. But the realization of both this, and the domestic airport being ‘unique’ starts right from when you see the massive use of wood to create a distinctive Kerala style architecture. From wooden beams to staircases made entirely of wood, the airport design is memorable from start to end.
Nagpur to Maldives via Kochi
For our trip to Maldives, we took an Indigo flight from Nagpur to Kochi. We flew to Kochi and landed at the Domestic Airport, stayed overnight at an AirBNB close to the airport and then checked in from the International Airport to fly to Maldives.

Kochi Domestic Airport
Both the domestic and the international airports are unique and impressive in their own sense. Both bring together the best of Modern Day India and the Old Charm and Culture of our country. I will explain as I share some glimpses of both. One special thing to note is that though the two airports are located in the same premises, they carry different names of Kerala’s port city – Kochi Domestic Airport contains the official name Kochi whereas Cochin International Airport contains the anglicized name for the same city that was more popular in the rest of India a few decades ago.
And another specialty is that Kochi airport is the World’s First Airport to run completely on Solar power!!!! There is a 40 Megawatt solar power plant next to the runway 🙂
Kochi Domestic Airport
It doesn’t take long before you step out of your aircraft into the Kochi Domestic Airport to get drawn into the local culture by the rich murals on the walls.
Ancient legends depicted through colorful motifs followed by the text.

The Tale of Mahabali with Thousand Flowers
Of course, like all other airports Kochi Airport has it’s share of brand stores…..
…. and all modern amenities.
But it still manages to stand out from other airports with it’s grand wooden ceilings and inclusion of local and cultural details in the decor inside and outside.
Our return flight from Kochi to Nagpur afforded us more glimpses into the beautiful surroundings of the airport in daylight.
Cochin International Airport
You have to struggle to move past these elephant sculptures that greet you right as you step inside the International Airport building!
They kept us, and the children, busy with their details (the anklets in their legs!) and photo ops while we waited for the Immigration process.
I couldn’t help feel proud of my country as I thought of all the foreign tourists who would visit India and be welcomed with such a beautiful glimpse into our culture.
The immigration staff was efficient and full of smiles for the children 🙂
Once the immigration was done, it was time for an early breakfast.
Although at first glance it may look like the Food Court is similar to other Indian airports with the usual lineup of Indian and International restaurants but…
…. details like this Wooden Chai and Coffee kiosk are everywhere making the Cochin Airport charming!
We, of course, had Idli, Sambhar and Chutney. Nothing like hot sambhar in the mornings to wake you up as well as warm you up in the air conditioned airport.
Coffee, when in South India, is a given.
And of course, in addition to the beautiful cultural details, Cochin Airport is every bit an International Airport with huge, lit up spaces, plenty of shopping options and no dearth of places to sit and relax while you wait for your flight.
The travelators make it easy to walk around the vast airport with little ones.
But after you are done praising the conveniences of a modern airport, you will always be able to go back to admire Cochin International Airport for it’s uniqueness when you spot something like this 🙂
Throughout my passage to and from both the Domestic and the International Airports, I couldn’t help but feel proud of the Airport Authorities who have made and maintained this beautiful airport that is reminiscent of the glorious culture and heritage of India.
Needless to say…Can’t wait to go back again!
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